Ray's Mod is a remake of Garry's mod (aka Gmod). Fixed some audio mixer options not working Updated NPC's with weapons (they can now move while shooting) city_of_raleigh has been moved to community maps Classic maps have been moved to community maps Every so often, right-click on your "addons" folder and select "SVN update" to check for updates to your SVNs.HALLOWEEN EVENT IS LIVE! Ends on November 21st.When it is done downloading, you can delete the.Username is "anonsvn" and password is also "anonsvn". Type the SVN address (example: ) into the first text box and type the full address of your addons folder into the second (see step 2).Right-Click on the "addons" folder and select "SVN Checkout".Find your "garrysmod" folder (usually C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\\garrysmod\garrysmod\addons).TortoiseSVN is the one this tutorial is written for. Generally game modes have a folder structure similar to: More popular SVN distributed addons can be found here. The mod allows the user to spawn gates, sensors, inputs and outputs and wire them together so a working computer-like contraption can be made in Garry's Mod. The placement of the files in the addon can be confusing at times, if not laid out well. None of it is really relevant as to what it's set to, just copy and paste that into a text file called "info.txt". Unless specified otherwise you can generally create one: RE: whats the best way to remove backdoor gmod addons.

If an addon does not contain an info.txt: Well written addons will not be using any of these for anything valid. If the info.txt were located such as ".tacoa.zip\addons\burrito\info.txt", you would extract all the folders in taco.zip to your "\garrysmod\garrysmod\" folder, so it created "\garrysmod\garrysmod\addons\burrito\info.txt" and whatever else.) (If the info.txt were located like: ".\tacoa.zip\win\burrito\info.txt" you would extract the burrito folder to your "\addons\" so it created ".\garrysmod\garrysmod\addons\burrito\info.txt". zip to "\addons\":Ĭreate a folder in "\addons\" with the same name as the. Situations where one doesn't simply drag the folder inside the. If you don't have an addons folder, create it. Drag the folder that contains the info.txt to the "\addons\" folder.zip/.rar it comes in(how-to covered below) This section will explain how to install various things, as well as what to do if an addon doesn't have an info.txt. Enter Steam and re-download Garry's Mod.For users of 32bit Windows it's located at: C:\Program Files\Steam\SteamApps\ ).To be able to add any addons, you need to know where your Gmod base folder is.